3 Ways To Grow With Intentionality

christian family stewardship christian parenting family Jul 22, 2024
giving, being intentional in parenting

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

– Colossians 3:23-24



A few years ago, Derek and I decided we wanted to be more intentional in our Christian giving. The Lord has blessed our family, and it is important to us that we steward the gifts that He has given us well. Because of this, we wanted to come up with a plan that we could follow easily and regularly. It worked so well that we’ve been able to apply it to other areas of our lives too! Whether you want to be more intentional in your own giving or Christian parenting, or if you simply want to grow in another discipline, we hope these steps can be a great help to you as well.


1. Research

First, spend time studying the area you want to improve in. When we wanted to grow in giving, we read books and listened to podcasts from a variety of authors and backgrounds. We wanted different perspectives on the topic so that we could build a well-rounded one of our own that fit our goals and priorities. Derek enjoys audiobooks and bought a few of those as well. By immersing ourselves in a large amount of information, our own vision of giving became clearer and more defined.


2. Rub Shoulders

Second, spend time with people who are good at what you want to grow in. For us, this meant taking the time to go to conferences about Christian giving so we could hear speakers and experts. We also got to spend time with like-minded attendees and learn from them. Stories and experiences from new friends have been a source of inspiration and example to us, and we have also been blessed by seeing how others live out their faith. People who desire intentionality in one area of life usually are intentional elsewhere. We also have been able to seek out Christian giving mentors and glean from their own habits and experiences: how, when, and to whom they give.


3. Emulate

Third, emulate the people you’ve learned from and put those podcasts and books into practice. Even before we knew how to do it well, we started giving more generously. Like anything, learning or growing in a new skill is going to take time to develop. You may make mistakes, or you may not feel that you’re good at what you’re doing. Be patient; it will come! Be in prayer as you walk forward in faith in your journey, knowing that sometimes we are called to be not-that-great at something before we can become excellent.



Growing in a discipline like giving or Christian parenting is an ongoing process; you won’t be an expert after giving it a go or two. But you can continue to improve in any area you desire if you continue to study it, spend time with experts, practice doing it over and over again, and remain prayerful on your journey toward intentionality.


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