From YouTube Fan to Meeting Anne Wilson
Sep 02, 2024
"I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations."
- Psalm 89:1
It all started one evening when our daughter Leah saw a video pop up on YouTube that interested her. The video was titled My Jesus by Anne Wilson and it caught her eye. Intrigued, she clicked on it. The moment the song began, Leah was captivated. The lyrics, the melody, and the powerful message spoke to her heart in a way that only music can. She listened intently, and by the time the video ended, she was hooked.
Leah didn’t keep this new discovery to herself for long. Soon, the sounds of Anne Wilson’s music filled our home, as Leah’s sisters joined in, quickly becoming fans as well. It wasn’t long before My Jesus and other songs from Anne’s album became the soundtrack to our everyday lives.
One day, as our family sat around the dinner table discussing our future family adventures, Leah suggested attending one of Anne Wilson’s concerts. Derek researched her tour schedule and discovered that Anne Wilson was going to perform at the Nebraska State Fair. The idea of seeing Anne in person was more than enough to set our entire family into a state of joyful anticipation. So, we decided to make it happen and purchased tickets for the concert.
But Leah wanted more than just to see Anne on stage. With the pure heart of a child, she sat down and wrote a letter to Anne, sharing how much her music meant to her. Leah even tucked $5 of her own money into the envelope, a small gift from a big heart. We mailed the letter, and every day, Leah eagerly checked the mailbox, hoping for a response. But none came.
A week before the concert, Derek decided to reach out to Anne’s management team. He sent an email, sharing Leah’s story, how she had written a letter, and how much our family appreciated Anne’s music and the positive influence it had on our girls. We weren’t expecting much, but a few days later, an email came back. They had read Derek’s email, and to our surprise, we were invited to meet Anne Wilson in person before the concert!
The day of the concert finally arrived, and our family was buzzing with excitement. But as we stood outside the venue, waiting for the doors to open, time seemed to crawl. The minutes ticked by, and our nerves started to build. By the time we got through the doors, it was almost 6:20 pm—only ten minutes before we were supposed to meet Anne. We hurried to the will-call window and were soon escorted backstage.
There she was—Anne Wilson, the woman whose music had become so dear to our hearts. Our girls were starstruck, a little shy, but beaming with joy. Leah and Lexi had made special cards for Anne, which they shyly handed over. We took some photos, exchanged a few words, and then our time was up. But just as we were about to leave, something unexpected happened.
As we walked back down the hallway, we were stopped and handed a set of wristbands. These were for something we hadn’t even known was possible—we were about to meet Casting Crowns! The surprises kept coming, and soon, we found ourselves face-to-face with another band whose music had also played a role in our family’s spiritual life.
That night was more than just a concert; it was a gift from God, a beautiful reminder of His love and how He delights in giving good gifts to His children. We walked away from that experience with hearts full of gratitude, not just for the music but for the way it has helped shape the Christian culture in our home.
As Christian parents, it’s so important to be intentional about the influences we allow into our homes. Music has a powerful way of shaping our hearts and minds, and we’re thankful that artists like Anne Wilson and Casting Crowns create music that uplifts and encourages our faith. Their songs remind us to keep our focus on what truly matters and to nurture a home where Jesus is at the center.
So, whether it’s through music, conversations, or the examples we set, let’s be intentional in guiding our children toward role models who reflect the values we hold dear. It’s a blessing to see how God can use something as simple as a song to draw us closer to Him and each other.
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