Having the Right Focus
Sep 08, 2024
“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”
– Colossians 3:2
Lexi and I have been making our way through the Little House books. A few months ago we read Farmer Boy, the one novel in the series about the childhood of Laura Ingalls’ husband, Almanzo Wilder. As we were reading, we noticed that Almanzo often stayed home from school to work and help out at the family farm. While the Wilders valued education, their focus was first and foremost on their home. Schooling fits into their schedule, not the other way around. Their family life was their highest priority.
Today’s World
Our glimpse into the lives of the Wilder family made me consider how very different the world is today. Kids spend a lot of time at school away from their parents, and when they are not at school, they are often doing various activities. It’s easy to get swept up in that kind of schedule and be distracted, often with many good things! Academics, music, sports, clubs…all of these can be a great blessing. But great blessings can also turn into idols if we aren’t careful.
Take a good look at where your time and money are directed. Are your children barely spending any time at home because they’re always out “doing things?” Are you able to sit down at a family meal together and enjoy each other’s company regularly, or is this a rarity? Often, we end up doing what the world around us is doing. We look at our friends’ busy schedules and assume that our fast pace of life is normal. But remember, normal doesn’t mean right or healthy. It is always a good idea to reflect upon our choices of education, activities, and entertainment from a biblical perspective. Our friends and their choices shouldn’t be the standard. Rather, God’s Word must be the foundation of our family life.
A Different Path
Christian schools can be wonderful educational options for families, but many of them are simply public schools with a bit of Christianity sprinkled in. (We encourage you to really do your research if you put your kids in a Christian school. Not all are created equal.) Homeschooling can also be an excellent option for families, and it comes with unique benefits.
First, we are able to make God and His Word the main focus of every subject and point our children to Christ in each lesson. This is the chief end of education: To teach our children to use their minds for the glory of God. This has both a short-term and long-term spiritual impact. Parents can guide and encourage their children on a daily basis in their faith as they grow and develop, which will help them deepen their knowledge of Christ and prepare them for adult life. We’ve also loved being able to build our own unique family rhythm and then fit our education and activity choices into our lifestyles. And what’s truly fun for us as parents is learning alongside our children as they discover their passions and interests!
On a regular basis, it can be very beneficial to look at your calendar and budget to determine where you are spending your time and money. We want to play the long game with both. We don’t simply want to look at the short-term benefits of activities, but also their long-term practicality. It’s also wise to consider who the people are who surround each of your family members. Do they offer a good influence? Are the relationships healthy and - at least most of them - rooted in Christ? Ultimately, is your family centered upon God and His Word as you follow Him together? We pray the answer is yes!
Key Points
- “The devil may not make you bad, but he can make you busy,” can ring true for many families. Make sure the activities you choose for yours aren’t pulling you away from God’s pattern.
- The people you interact with can influence your focus. Pay attention to the people the members of your family spend the most time with.
- Look at your calendar and budget so that you can evaluate how much of your time and money is spent on things that are/are not pointing you in a good direction.
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