How Our Family Found Rest in the Sabbath—and How You Can Too

christian family christian parenting family worship prayer and worship Feb 03, 2025
family playing a game, rest

"And he said to them, ‘The Sabbath was made for man."

- Mark 2:27


A couple of years ago, Derek and I attended a conference where we heard Dr. Matthew Sleeth speak about the importance of the Christian culture of a Sabbath rest. His book, 24/6, challenged us to rethink our family’s routine. We started talking about how we could incorporate a time of rest into our weekly rhythm.

More recently, we read Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer, where he also talks about Sabbath. That book reignited our desire to create space for rest in our home. We were excited, but also unsure—how would our kids respond? 

We sat down with our kids and shared the idea of setting aside time for Sabbath rest. To our surprise, they agreed it sounded like a great idea! So, we put together a simple plan that has now become a treasured part of our week.


What Our Sabbath Rest Looks Like

We begin our Sabbath on Saturday evenings at 5:00 p.m., right at dinnertime. Here’s what our time of rest includes:

  • No Phones – From the start of Sabbath until it ends, we put away our phones and step away from screens, creating space for real connection and rest.
  • Family Dinner & Worship – We enjoy a meal together, followed by a time of family worship.
  • Game Night – We play a game together, laughing and enjoying quality time.
  • Early Bedtime – We start winding down earlier than usual so everyone can get extra rest.
  • Quiet Sunday Mornings – We begin the day with quiet individual time, reading and reflecting on Scripture.
  • Bible Study with the Kids – After breakfast, I do a short Bible study with the kids.
  • Church Together – We attend church as a family, worshiping and growing in faith.
  • Screen-Free Play & Rest – The kids enjoy creative play or reading, and we all avoid screens.
  • Lunch Out as a Family – We finish our Sabbath rest by sharing a meal out together before returning home and resuming normal activities. 


The Blessings of Sabbath Rest

Since implementing this Sabbath rhythm, we’ve been so blessed by the results. Having dedicated time to rest, reflect, and focus on God has helped us keep our priorities in check. We’ve enjoyed deeper family connections, a break from the distractions of technology, and a sense of renewal as we start each new week.

Now, we look forward to our Sabbath rest all week long! It has become an anchor in our busy schedule—a time to pause, reset, and delight in the goodness of God.

If you’ve ever considered starting a Sabbath rhythm in your home, I encourage you to give it a try. It doesn’t have to look exactly like ours—find what works for your family and make it your own. You might just discover, as we have, that God’s design for rest is truly a gift.

Do you have a Sabbath routine? I’d love to hear how your family practices rest!


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