Nurturing Christian Values with Family Routines

christian parenting family home education parenting resources Oct 07, 2024
mom reading aloud to kids, family

“He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom.”

Luke 4:11


Did you know that your family has a unique culture? Whether we realize it or not, every home naturally develops its own culture through daily rhythms, habits, and routines. But as Christian parents, we have a wonderful opportunity to be intentional about the atmosphere we create in our homes—one that reflects our faith and values.

The routines and rhythms of our lives help build this culture day by day. While there’s no perfect formula for this, regularly refining and revisiting our family habits allows us to be purposeful about the values we want to pass on to our children. In our home, we’ve developed some simple routines that help us stay grounded in our faith and family vision. We’d love to share some of these with you!


Morning Routine: Starting the Day with Joy and Purpose

Each morning begins with big hugs for the kids, followed by listening to a devotion together while eating breakfast and getting ready for the day. We love the Time of Grace video devotions to center our hearts in Christ. After that, we read our Family Vision Statement and talk about our values. This sets a positive tone for the day ahead. Before heading to work, my husband, Derek, encourages each of the kids with kind words, reminding them that they are loved and valued.

Then, the kids take care of their personal chores—making beds, brushing teeth, and gathering their dirty clothes and putting them in the laundry room. We want them to learn responsibility, but more importantly, we want to build routines that nurture their hearts and faith.


Homeschool Routine: Grounded in the Word

Once the morning routine is complete, we dive into our homeschool day. We always begin with Bible study and devotion time, keeping God at the center of our learning. Our core subjects like reading, math, and language arts are worked on individually by each of our kids (although sometimes they help each other out), but we love spending time together for group work and read-alouds. This time is a gift, not only for learning but for building deeper connections with each other.


Lunch Routine: Recharging with Faith

Lunch is another opportunity to pause and be intentional. The kids each prepare their own lunch, then we gather around the table to pray before eating. A short worship time after lunch helps us refocus on God’s presence in our day. We sing a hymn, review Bible verses we have memorized, and read a devotion. Then I read aloud to the kids. Once everything is cleaned up, the kids enjoy some free time or finish up any remaining schoolwork.


Supper Routine: Family Time Together

Dinner is a special time in our home when we all come back together after the day. We begin by thanking God for our food. While we are eating, everyone shares three things around the table: their favorite thing that happened during the day, the hardest part of the day, and a blessing of the day. We discuss our plans for the evening and any special events coming up on our calendar. We end supper with a devotional and a song, keeping Christ at the center of our family. Then Derek and I take a short walk outside.


Bedtime Routine: Ending the Day in Prayer

Our bedtime routine varies but always involves connecting with God before we rest. Derek spends time with each of our kids, two at a time, praying with them, reviewing their Bible verses, and watching a Bible Project video. This time allows them to dig deeper into their faith.

I spend time reading individually with each of the kids—a chapter from a favorite book or a Bible story. This quiet time not only fosters their love for reading but also strengthens our bond and builds a foundation of faith.


Building Intentional Routines

Not all routines happen daily, but they still play an important role in shaping our family’s culture. Here are a few weekly and yearly routines we treasure:

Weekly Routines:

Tuesday nights are special one-on-one dinners between Derek and one of the kids.

Wednesday afternoons include piano lessons for two of our girls.

“Fun Fridays” are when we invite another family over to join us for dinner.

Saturdays are for watching a longer Time of Grace video devotion, singing a hymn together, and prayer.

Sundays are dedicated to worship, family lunch at a restaurant, and our Family Meeting at supper.

Yearly Routines:

Birthday and half-birthday trips are cherished one-on-one outings with Derek.

Family volunteer trips let us serve together and live out our faith.

We celebrate baptism anniversaries with a candle, hymn, and prayer.


Staying Consistent—Even When Traveling

Travel can disrupt routines, but we strive to keep our faith practices consistent, even on the road. Mornings still begin with devotion, prayer, and family walks, while bedtime rituals stay the same, helping our children feel grounded no matter where we are.


The Beauty of Intentionality

Our routines evolve as our children grow. What worked five years ago may not work today, and that’s okay! The key is being flexible and intentional. By building family rhythms that reinforce our values and faith, we create a strong, Christ-centered culture in our home.


Conclusion: Cultivating a Christ-Centered Home

Family routines are powerful tools for shaping the culture of your home. When both parents work together to establish intentional habits that reflect your faith, it becomes a blessing for your marriage, your children, and even the community around you. Take time to evaluate, refine, and adjust your routines as needed. You’ll find that by grounding your family in Christ-centered routines, you’re building a legacy that will last for generations.


Key Points:

  • Every family develops a culture, but as Christian parents, we can be intentional about shaping one that reflects our values.
  • Consistency is important, even when traveling or as children grow.
  • Regularly review your routines as a couple to ensure they support your family’s spiritual growth.


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