Teaching Your Children About Prayer: A Lesson from the Pumpkin Patch

christian parenting family travel prayer and worship Oct 21, 2024
pumpkin patch hay bales teaching children about prayer

If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

– Matthew 7:11


It was a warm and sunny Saturday afternoon in Branson, perfect for a weekend getaway. Derek and Leah were celebrating her half birthday, and after a delicious lunch at a pizza restaurant, they decided to spend the afternoon at a nearby pumpkin patch. The air was filled with the scent of autumn, and the vibrant orange pumpkins added to the festive atmosphere.

They spent the next hour having a blast. Leah bounced joyfully on the giant bouncy mat, they played on the hay bales, and took a relaxing hayrack ride through the fields. The simple pleasures of swinging under the warm sun made the day feel even more special. But after all the fun, Leah mentioned something Derek hadn’t noticed—she was thirsty.

Derek was surprised. He hadn’t thought about needing a drink because he was feeling fine. But once Leah mentioned it, they headed over to the shop to find something refreshing. Inside, they had several options. They could have just filled up at the water fountain, but Leah was drawn to the bottled drinks. Derek let her choose, and Leah picked a bright blue Gatorade.

After they bought the drink, they went outside and sat under the shade, letting the cool breeze brush over them. Leah drank her Gatorade quickly, relieved by the refreshing drink. It was then that Derek saw an opportunity to teach Leah something important. He gently reminded her that, just like he didn’t know she was thirsty, he can’t always know what’s on her mind or what she needs. “Leah, it’s always good to tell me when you need something or want something. I can’t help unless you share it with me.”

As he said those words, a parallel clicked in his mind—this is exactly how prayer works with God. While God knows our hearts and minds, He invites us to talk to Him, to bring our requests and desires to Him in prayer.


Teaching Our Children the Importance of Prayer

What happened at the pumpkin patch serves as a beautiful reminder for us as Christian parents. Just as Leah needed to speak up to let her dad know she was thirsty, God invites us to speak to Him through prayer. Yes, God knows our needs, but He still encourages us to ask. In Matthew 7:11, Jesus says, "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"

This is such an important truth to teach our children. God is our loving Father who hears our prayers. When they feel a need or desire, we should encourage them to pray and talk to God about it. It doesn’t matter how big or small the request is. Prayer is not just about asking for what we need but also about building a relationship with God, trusting that He hears and cares for us.

As parents, we can model this by regularly bringing our requests to God and showing gratitude for the blessings He has already given us. It’s also important to remind our children that while God always hears our prayers, He doesn’t always answer them exactly as we expect. Sometimes, God’s answer is even better than what we could have imagined, like when Leah got the Gatorade instead of a simple cup of water.


Key Points:

  • God invites us to pray: Just like Leah needed to tell Derek she was thirsty, God wants us to bring our needs and desires to Him through prayer.
  • God hears and responds: We can trust that God hears our prayers and answers in His perfect way, even if the answer is different from what we expect.
  • Teach and model prayer: Encourage your children to pray regularly, both for their needs and to give thanks, showing them how God provides for us.
  • Trust in God's goodness: Like in Matthew 7:11, we can be confident that God, as our loving Father, gives good gifts to those who ask Him in faith.


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