The Vole Problem: How to Spot Deception in Everyday Life
Nov 04, 2024
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
- Romans 12:2
It all started with a few small patches of missing grass. At first, we didn’t think much of it; after all, a little wear and tear is normal in our yard. But as more bare spots appeared, I started noticing little holes and narrow tunnels scattered across the lawn. Curious and slightly concerned, I called in an expert, hoping for a simple fix. But when the guy arrived and took a closer look, he confirmed what I didn’t want to hear: we had a vole problem.
He explained that these little critters had been burrowing just beneath the surface, munching on roots and damaging our grass from the inside out. The solution, he explained, was to put poison in their holes, but not just any poison. The bait he used was specially designed to look and taste like the voles’ usual snacks, little gummy worms that blended in with their typical food. To the voles, these treats looked good, tasted great, and seemed harmless—but they were deadly.
As I listened to him, something struck me. The voles had no idea these treats would harm them; they were just following their natural instincts, going after something that looked good and felt familiar. But instead of nourishing them, the bait would destroy them. It hit me that this is exactly how deception can work in our lives too, especially in our walk of faith.
Sometimes, we hear advice or ideas that sound wise, comforting, or even a little bit biblical. These ideas might appeal to us, feeding what we want to believe or even easing our concerns. But like the vole’s “treat,” these ideas can actually harm us if they don’t line up with the truth of God’s Word. If we’re not careful, we might end up taking in teachings or perspectives that look and feel good on the surface but lead us away from God’s truth.
I realized this was an important lesson, especially for our kids. They, too, will encounter messages that seem good but could be misleading. As parents, it’s our job to teach them discernment—not to accept everything they hear, see, or feel but to weigh it carefully against God’s Word.
Scripture reminds us, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God” (Romans 12:2). God wants us to be careful, examining what we take in and making sure it aligns with His Word. We have to encourage our kids to ask questions, to bring their thoughts and ideas to the light of God’s Word, and to pray for wisdom and understanding.
Instead of gobbling up what the world feeds us, we’re invited to feed on the Word of God, which will truly nourish and strengthen us. Through His Word and the Holy Spirit, God gives us what we need to thrive spiritually, guiding us through any confusion or lies we might encounter.
As for the voles in our yard, the story didn’t end well for them. But it served as a powerful reminder that while the world may offer plenty of things that seem appealing, not everything is worth consuming. In our journey of faith and as we guide our kids, let’s hold onto the truth of God's Word, teaching them to be wise and discerning in a world full of distractions.
And in the end, may we—and our children—be able to recognize and choose what is good, true, and truly life-giving.
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