Uncovering Hidden Treasures in Our Messy Lives
Nov 18, 2024
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."
- Proverbs 27:17
Our son Cole was finally ready to tackle his closet. A year of crammed-in clothes, random stuff, and forgotten gifts had created a mountain of clutter, and he was in no hurry to dive into it alone. So he decided to recruit his sister, Lexi, who actually enjoys organizing. He offered to pay her a little bit if she would clean his closet for him. Lexi, delighted by the idea of both cleaning and making some extra money, eagerly accepted the task.
Not long after, Lexi emerged from his room, holding up something with a triumphant grin. In her hands was a crisp $50 bill, hidden under piles of stuff that Cole hadn’t even looked at in almost a year. Cole’s eyes widened. He’d forgotten he’d even received that Christmas money! Just as he was wrapping his head around the found cash, Lexi came out again, this time waving a $20 gift card—another hidden treasure from Christmas past. Grateful and excited, Cole didn’t mind paying Lexi a little more than planned. She’d uncovered unexpected blessings he didn’t even know he had.
Watching my kids that day reminded me of how God works in our lives. Just like Cole invited Lexi into his mess, we sometimes need to let others into our own lives, with all the clutter and forgotten “closets” that we may avoid or ignore. It's not always easy, but sometimes, inviting others in allows them to help us see hidden blessings and gifts that we’ve overlooked or even forgotten. God often places people around us to reveal these treasures in our messy family lives—unexpected gifts He wants us to recognize, cherish, and use for His glory.
Finding Blessings Through Family Masterminds and Mentorships
One way to invite others in is by connecting with other Christian families through family masterminds or mentorships. When we gather with others who share our faith, we get a chance to learn from their experiences and see how God has gifted them and their families. We can learn about new ways to handle challenges, grow closer as a family, and find wisdom that may not come to us on our own.
Just like Cole gladly gave Lexi extra for her help, investing in these relationships—whether through a family mastermind group or a mentorship program—may cost us time, effort, and even money. Yet, the insights and blessings we gain often end up being worth far more than we expected. Being part of a community that encourages and guides us can help us find value in areas of our lives we may have overlooked.
Being Vulnerable and Open to God’s Surprises
Letting people into our lives takes a measure of vulnerability. We have to be willing to open up, to let people see the messiness we’d rather hide. But in being open, we allow others to help us find the beauty in that mess and to uncover gifts we didn’t know were there. God might use someone else’s wisdom or encouragement to show us how we can use our strengths and experiences to point others to Jesus.
Sometimes it takes a while to realize what God has given us, or to understand how He wants us to use our blessings. But when we make space for others to come alongside us, God reveals unexpected treasures that help us grow as families and in faith.
So next time you’re tempted to tackle a family challenge all on your own, consider inviting someone else in. You may just discover blessings and gifts you didn’t even know were there.
Key Points
- Letting others into our lives helps us discover hidden blessings.
- Investing in family masterminds and mentorships can lead to unexpected growth.
- Being vulnerable allows us to see God’s unexpected gifts in our families.
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