Unlock the Power of Encouragement in Christian Parenting

christian family stewardship christian parenting family parenting resources Sep 30, 2024
intentional christian parenting encourage kids

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.

- 1 Thessalonians 5:11


As Christian parents striving to be intentional in our parenting, one of the most impactful characteristics we can cultivate in our families is regular encouragement. This goes beyond a kind word now and then—it involves being mindful of how we build up our children daily. Many parents recognize their own need for encouragement but sometimes forget that their children crave it just as much. While teachers, coaches, and friends may offer support, as Christian parents, we are called to be our children's primary encouragers, helping them grow both in faith and character.


Be Your Child’s Biggest Encourager

In Ephesians 4:29, we are reminded to speak words that build others up. This biblical principle should guide us as parents when we interact with our children. One of the simplest ways to encourage them is to acknowledge their God-given gifts.

In our family, my husband and I try to specifically point out how God is working through our children’s strengths. We often tell Leah that she’s an amazing caregiver. She loves taking care of others, especially children. When her siblings are sick, she will bring them water, a blanket, or other special things that they may need to feel comfortable. We thank Cole for jumping right up and doing things with a cheerful attitude and obedient heart. We mention to Lexi how we notice that she is being a patient teacher when she shows Lily how to do something, or spends time reading with her. And we compliment how hardworking and kind Lily is when she draws and colors pictures for others to enjoy.

This kind of encouragement is easy to implement because noticing and mentioning these things to our children takes very little effort on our part, but pays huge dividends in the hearts of our kids. By speaking life into our kids, we remind them of their identity in Christ and the special ways God has created them to contribute to His kingdom.


Encouragement in Faith: Discipleship Matters

As Christian parents, our highest calling is to disciple our children. Proverbs 22:6 instructs us to "train up a child in the way he should go," and encouragement plays a huge role in that training. As you study the Bible together, encourage your children to ask questions and seek answers in Scripture. Demonstrate how you turn to God’s Word when you face challenges, and equip them with the tools to do the same.

Create daily habits of faith, such as family devotionals or prayer time, to establish a strong spiritual foundation. When children see that their parents are consistently encouraging them in their walk with God, they are more likely to carry these habits into adulthood. This intentional focus on discipleship will bear fruit for generations to come.


Nurture Their God-Given Strengths

Every child is uniquely designed by God with particular strengths and interests. Proverbs 22:6 teaches us that children should be raised according to their individual “bent,” meaning their natural abilities and passions. Encouraging these strengths can not only build their confidence but also teach them to use their gifts for God’s glory.

Provide opportunities for your children to develop their talents. Whether through sports, art, music, or volunteering, allowing your child to explore their gifts shows them that their talents are valued. You could say, “I’ve noticed how patient you are when helping your sister with reading. God is using you to bless her.” When kids realize that their strengths can serve others, it becomes a way for them to live out their faith in action.


Encouraging Through Failure: A Biblical Perspective

Even though encouragement often focuses on strengths, it’s just as important to offer support when our children face challenges. James 1:2-4 tells us that trials produce perseverance and maturity in our faith. Similarly, children need to understand that failure is part of the learning process and that it helps them grow.

As Christian parents, we can create an environment where our kids aren’t afraid to fail, knowing that their value isn’t tied to perfection. A conversation like, “It’s okay that you missed that goal today, God is teaching you resilience,” can help them see setbacks as part of God’s plan for their growth. By encouraging them in both success and failure, we teach our children to lean on God’s strength, not their own.



Your words as a parent have the power to shape your child's future, both in faith and in their character. Proverbs 18:21 reminds us that “the tongue has the power of life and death,” so let’s use our words to speak life into our children. By intentionally encouraging them in their faith, strengths, and even through failures, you are laying the groundwork for their spiritual growth and future success.

Encouraging our children to see their value in Christ not only builds their confidence today but also helps them become strong, faith-filled adults who will encourage the next generation. Intentional Christian parenting starts with the simple act of building up our kids in the Lord.


Key Points

  • Parental encouragement of children in their faith is critical not only for this generation but also for future generations.
  • Children should not be fearful of their parents’ reactions, but be confident in their encouraging words, both in times of failure and success.


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